Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Pantheon Steel Halo site is LIVE!

The Halo site is finally open on the Pantheon Steel website. There a four minute video posted on the site showing we may finally see the Halo shipping soon! I can't wait...
If you want to get on the info list or even the waiting list, every thing is there to make your dream a reality.

About the Halo:
"The 1st generation HALO is a bit larger than the Hang and is lower in pitch. Where the low D3 (Ding) resides on a Hang is a low C3 on the HALO and the first three notes in the tonal circle (F,G,G#) are lower than the lowest tonal circle pitch (A) on a Hang. Our Ake Bono scale is C - F,G,G#,C,C#,f,g,g#.

Looks like the price will be $1500 USD

With 2300 people already on the waiting list, the folks at Pantheon should be busy for a long time. I am in the first third of that waiting list, so you'll definitely hear my Halo, when the time arrives. Until then, I'll just have to keep dreaming and listening to the videos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

did you get one yet? Im enjoying Hijaz very much. Do you know how to see the order of the wait list?