Thursday, May 15, 2008

How to improve your Hank Drum

I'll be building several new hank drums in the coming weeks. I plan to photograph and videotape the whole process in greater detail this time. In the meantime, I am considering several improvements to the next build. Below are some of my ideas. Feel free to comment if you have anything to contribute to the discussion.

Idea 1 - Move both of the high A and high C tongues further out towards the perimeter of the drum surface. If you've attempted to build the Hank Drum by religiously following Dennis Havlena's plans, (link: then you'll find that these two tongue end up in the metal between the low D and the low F and low G tongues. They're darn hard to tune and they don't ring too long. Thus, the experiment to move them closer to the perimeter of the drum.

Idea 2 - Replace the high A and high C tongues with other notes within the D pentatonic scale. The idea here is that if these notes are too short to make a nice note, replace them with a longer tongue and a note that will sound better.

If you not familiar, the basic D minor pentatonic scale is made up of the following six note (in order lowest to highest):

D F G A C D* *octave

The notes currently in Dennis's plans (for the eight tongues) are (in order lowest to highest):

D A C D* F G A* C* *octave

One proposal is to replace the high A and C with the following configurations:

D F G A C D* F *G * *octave

Idea 3 - Of course there are other scales which can be made from eight notes. The easiest extension is to create the D minor scale which would use all eight tongues to create an full octave of notes:

D E F G A A# C D

Idea 4 - One of my favorite scales is called the Spanish Gypsy or "Abba Rabba" scale. In the key of D, this would be:

D D# F# G A A# C D


  1. HI Mikeo neat to see
    folks experimenting with
    my invention. You've some
    neat ideas.
    Dennis Havlena

  2. Some other nice scales in D if you want:


    Major: re mi fa sol la la# do# re

    Harmonic minor: re mi fa sol la la# do# re

    Melodic minor: re mi fa sol la si do# re

    Diminished: re mi fa sol sol# la# si do#

    Major pentatonic: re mi fa# la si re

    Minor pentatonic: re fa sol la do re

    Neopolitan minor: re re# fa sol la la# do# re

    Hungarian minor: re mi fa sol# la la# do# re

    Arabic: re re# fa# sol la la# do# re

    Blues: re fa sol sol# la do re

    Skr dim: re fa sol# si

    AkeBono: re mi fa la la# re

    Pigmy: re mi fa la do re

  3. do you have a template layout for this scale? Idea 4 - One of my favorite scales is called the Spanish Gypsy or "Abba Rabba" scale. In the key of D, this would be:

    D D# F# G A A# C D

  4. Hi All,
    very cool ideas!!
    I have made 2 Hank Drums now.
    not doing well on hands play...can't get the volume.
    but have deveploped a mallet that has awesome tone on this drum.
    I use 8" of auto brake line. find a soft Superball( you can sink 1/3rd into it pressed between fingers). drill an under sized hole 1/2 way into ball.
    add adhesive, insert & WoW!

  5. Or you could use superballa and stuff em inside a glove then put on the of both worlds for mallet and hand play.
